Health Devolution Commissioners

List of Health Devolution Commissioners

  • Imelda Redmond CBE (Co-chair) – Imelda has decades of experience of leadership roles in the voluntary  and public sector including Carers UK and Marie Curie. Most recently she was the National Director for Healthwatch England. Her working and voluntary life has meant that she has experience of working with people and families from birth to death. The common thread throughout her work has always been about ensuring that the views of people who use or need services are heard. She was awarded a CBE for services to disadvantaged people in 2010.


  • Dr Nik Johnson, Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and spokesperson on health for the M10 Mayoral Group (Co-chair) – Nik is a Consultant Paediatrician working at Hinchingbrooke Hospital since 2006. He believes passionately in the idea of public service and the three Cs – compassion, co-operation and community. He was elected Mayor of Cambrideshire and Peterborough in May 2021. He is the Patron of Eddies – a local charity supporting people with learning disabilities in Cambridgeshire.


  • Rt Hon Andy Burnham, former Secretary of State for Health and Mayor of Greater Manchester – Andy is a Labour politician and has been Mayor of Greater Manchester since 2017. He served as Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport from 2008 to 2009 and Secretary of State for Health from 2009 to 2010. He served as Member of Parliament for Leigh from 2001 to 2017.


  • Rt Hon Sir Norman Lamb, former Minister for Care and Support – Norman is a Liberal Democrat politician and solicitor. He was Minister of State in the Department of Health between 2012 and 2015 during the Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition Government. MP for North Norfolk from 2001 to 2019 he was most recently chair of the Science and Technology Select Committee (2017 to 2019).


  • Rt Hon Stephen Dorrell, former Secretary of State for Health – Stephen is now a Liberal Democrat and stood for election in 2019. He served as the Conservative MP for Loughborough between 1979 and 1997 and then for Charnwood from 1997 to 2015. From 1995 to 1997 Stephen was Secretary of State for Health. He served for four years as Chairman of the House of Commons Health Select Committee from 2010 to 2014.


  • Lord James Bethell, former Minister for Innovation, DHSC – as Minister for innovation in the Department for Health and Social Care, James helped lead the national response to the Covid epidemic. He is one of Britain’s foremost campaigners with a twenty-year track record working across government, media and industry. He has worked at the Sunday Times, the US Senate and the EU Commission, run PR companies (Portland and Westbourne), and helped make the Ministry of Sound a global success story. He is a current member of the House of Lords.


  • Phil Hope, former Minister of State for Care Services – Philip is a former British Labour Co-operative politician who was the MP for Corby from 1997 until 2010. He held several Ministerial roles during his time as an MP including Minister of State at the Department of Health from 2008 to 2010 during which time he developed and oversaw the publication of the Social Care Green Paper, Shaping the Future of Care in July 2009.


  • Dr Linda Patterson OBE FRCP, Chair Bradford District CARE NHS Trust and former Medical Director of CHI and Clinical Vice President of RCP – Linda qualified in Medicine from Middlesex Hospital Medical School and, after postgraduate training, was appointed Consultant Physician in General and Geriatric Medicine in East Lancashire in 1986, a post she held until 2012.  She was Medical Director of the Trust and from 1999 to 2004 Medical Director of the Commission for Health Improvement, the first statutory quality regulator of the NHS in England and Wales. Later in her career, she developed community geriatric services in East Lancashire, working for the Primary Care Trust, and went on to co-author a prize winning book on integrated health care for older people. From 2011 to 13, she was Vice President of the Royal College of Physicians, directing the clinical standards and quality work of the RCP.


  • Peter Hay, former President ADASS – former Director of Social Services in North East Lincolnshire before becoming Strategic Director for People at Birmingham City Council. Peter was President of the Association of Directors of Social Services between 2011 and 2012  He currently has a number of roles including  Chair of both Turning Point and the Social Worker of the Year Awards, Board Member of Anchor Hanover Care and Housing Association and Member of the Executive Board of the NHS Alliance.


  • Nadra Ahmed OBE – Chair of the National Care Association since 2001, she has been involved in the field of social care for over 40 years. Her background is in training and education, which has been the passion that drives her towards a quality service, underpinned and provided by a skilled workforce.  She has been a member of a range of Government advisory committees in the DHSC including a number at Ministerial level. In 2006 she was awarded the OBE for her services to Social Care and has been the recipient of many awards within the care sector from ‘Care Personality’ to  ‘Outstanding Contribution to the Business Community.’


  •  Cllr Isobel “Izzi” Seccombe OBE – Leader of Warwickshire County Council, she first came to county politics in 2001 and held the portfolios for both Children’s Services and then Adult Social Care.  She became the 1st female Leader of Warwickshire in May 2013 and joined the LGA as a member of the Community Wellbeing Board, which she then chaired between 2014 and 2018. She is currently the Wellbeing Portfolio holder at the West Midlands combined Authority. In 2017, Izzi was awarded an OBE for services to local government.


  • Naomi Eisenstadt CB – is Chair of Northamptonshire’s Integrated Care Board.  Naomi’s career has centred on children, poverty and family policy. She was the first Director of Sure Start, ran the Social Exclusion Task Force, and served as Poverty Advisor to Scotland’s First Minister. She is a trustee of the Abdrn Financial Fairness Trust and the Education Endowment Fund. In 2019 she published Parents, Poverty and the State, with Carey Oppenheim. Naomi was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Open University in 2002 and became a CB in 2005.


  • Cedi Frederick – is Chair of the Kent and Medway Integrated Care Board and also Independent Chair of NHS London’s Vaccine Legacy Equity Group and a Non-Executive Director of Sage Housing Ltd. In a 40+ year career in the public, Not-for-Profit and private sectors, Cedi has held a series of senior positions in housing, social care and sporting governing bodies . This experience includes over 12 years as a Non-Executive Director of two NHS Mental Health Trusts. Cedi has been named on four separate occasions as one of Britain’s ‘100 Most Influential Black People’.


  • Warren Heppolette, Chief Officer for Strategy & Innovation, Warren started his career in local government as a neighbourhood housing officer over 25 years ago before moving into policy and strategy roles. He joined the NHS in 2006 and has since held a number of roles supporting collaboration across the NHS and local government. Since 2014 Warren has played a central role to bring devolved powers and budgets to Greater Manchester and is currently the Executive Lead, Strategy and System Development for the Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership supporting the development of integrated care across the ten districts. He is also a Trustee of Greater Sport, the Active Partnership for Greater Manchester and a Director of FC United of Manchester, a fan-owned football club.


  • Greg Fell – is Chair of the Association of Directors of Public Health and Director of Public Health for Sheffield. He graduated from Nottingham University with a degree in biochemistry and physiology in 1993. He worked as a social researcher in a maternity unit and in a number of roles in health promotion and public health before joining the public health training scheme and then being employed as a consultant in public health in Bradford in the primary care trust, then Bradford Council. In addition to his role on the Board of ADPH, Greg sits on the UK National Screening Committee, advising Ministers and the NHS across the UK on screening and implementation of screening programmes.

Commissioners Acting in an Advisory Capacity

  • Katherine Merrifield – is a joint Assistant Director in the Healthy Lives team at the Health Foundation. Her focus is leading work to support local and regional government take action to tackle the wider determinants of health and reduce health inequalities. Prior to joining The Health Foundation Katherine had a twenty year career in the Civil Service working on a range of social policy issues. She led the drug and alcohol unit at the Home Office,  worked on social housing policy, health and work and supporting the third sector. She has a background as a social researcher.
  • Rukshana Kapasi – Rukshana is Director of Health for Barnardo’s, appointed to transform the organisation to a health and social care provider. She has worked extensively in the NHS, for the DH, King’s Fund and charitable sector as a commissioner, clinician and Board member. She has stimulated some key directional changes in the public sector such as research which led to the introduction of PALs into every hospital in England, Patient Choice in primary care and ethnicity monitoring to improve health inequalities. Rukshana is a Non-Executive Director for Hertfordshire NHS Community Trust, Chairs the Child Health Equity Collaborative with Sir Michael Marmot and has published widely in the field of health inequalities and improving care quality.


  • Jackie O’Sullivan – Jackie is Mencap’s Executive Director of Communications, Advocacy and Activism and is also one of the three chairs of the Care and Support Alliance.  She grew up all over the North of England before the bright lights of London lured her away. Since then she has worked in several Government Departments, done a stint at the European Commission in Brussels and also worked in the food industry.  Jackie’s last role before joining Mencap was as Director of National Lottery Good Causes. She joined Mencap in January 2018 and is really proud to part of the Mencap team. She lives in Hackney with three West Ham supporters.


  • Ciara Lawrence, Engagement Lead, Mencap – Ciara has worked for UK learning disability charity Mencap for 21 years. She is currently Engagement Lead which includes being a media spokesperson and presenting at conferences. Ciara has a learning disability and is passionate about seeing people with a learning disability being positively portrayed on TV shows and in film. She challenges people’s views about learning disability and makes sure the voices of people with a learning disability are listened to.  During the Covid pandemic, Ciara started her own online Podcast called Ciara’s Pink Sparkle Podcast on Spotify. Ciara interviews lots of different guests like celebrities, journalists and disability campaigners to help change stigma, break down perceptions and generate positive awareness of learning disability.


  • Sarah Walter, Director, ICS Network, NHS Confederation – Sarah has a background in health policy, working at the Department of Health and NHS England before joining the NHS Confederation. Sarah has operated in a number of roles at the Confed, including Director of Corporate Services and regional lead (following a family relocation to the South West) before becoming Assistant Director of the newly formed ICS Network. Sarah is passionate about women’s leadership and was previously Chair of the Confed’s Health and Care Women’s Leaders Network.


  • Steve Mulligan, Four Nations Lead, BACP – Steve Mulligan joined the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) in October 2017, to champion the skills, competence and contribution of BACP’s 57,000 members to the policy-makers and commissioners across Devolved England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.  Steve has spent much of the past two decades working to influence change across each of the parliaments and assemblies of the UK and on the devolved and regional agenda in England. This has broadly focussed on tackling the inherent policy failures that often fall between the cracks – improving access to mental health support, addressing inequalities and economic loss in disadvantaged communities, supporting people to access educational and employment opportunities, and helping to challenge environmental degradation.


  • Rob Webster, Lead Chief Executive, West Yorkshire and Harrogate ICS – Rob is Chief Executive of South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and is responsible for leading the organisation and its 4200 staff. Rob is also Lead Chief Executive for the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership [Integrated Care System]. Rob is an active member of the NHS Assembly and contributes to a number of national programmes. Rob has worked in healthcare since 1990, taking on national leadership roles in the Department of Health on policy, transformation and delivery. He has been a director for both the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit in the Cabinet Office and a national public/private partnership.


  • Cathy Elliott, Chair, West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership – Cathy is Chair Designate of the Integrated Care Board within West Yorkshire’s Health & Care Partnership, and holds a Department for Transport Ministerial appointment as the independent Chair of a public funding programme. She was previously Chair of Bradford District Care NHS FT; an NHS Non-Executive Director in Greater Manchester ICS; social policy advisor to non-profit organisations; and prior to that a regional Chief Executive and a national trustee in the community foundation movement. Cathy is a Senior International Fellow of the City University of New York’s Centre on Philanthropy & Civil Society; and is currently studying as a West Yorkshire Health Equity Fellow via the School of Public Health at the University of Leeds.


  • Cllr David Fothergill, Chair, LGA Community Wellbeing Committee – raised in rural Lincolnshire David worked in  London and  Birmingham before moving with his family to Somerset in 1992. In business David has a wide range of operational experience including manufacturing, Children’s Homes and Older People care. Most recently has been Director of HR for a large South West employer operating across 43 sites. David is a fully qualified member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration from Warwick University. He was leader of Somerset County Council from May 2017 to May 2022.


  • Lisa Nicholson, Strategic Lead for Health & Social Care, London Councils – Lisa leads London Councils’ policy work on health and care integration, working closely with system leaders in local government, the NHS in London, UKHSA, OHID and the Greater London Authority. Working with partners, London Councils and health leaders have come together under the London Health and Care Vision, which makes becoming the world’s healthiest global City its ambition. Lisa plays a pivotal role in leading pan-London work to make the evolution of ICSs and borough-based partnerships successful vehicles for improving the health and wellbeing of Londoners and tackling health inequalities.

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