The Recommendations in the report “ICSs: a Great Deal Done – a Great Deal More to Do” specifically call on the Government to:

  1. Set out fewer, more focused, national targets – ICSs should not be viewed as, nor treated as, a new layer for top-down performance management by NHSE
  2. Respect local autonomy and let local health and local government leaders lead
  3. Actively support the development of place-based and neighbourhood partnerships – subsidiarity is the watchword
  4. Actively acknowledge the key role of partners outside of the NHS and local government in delivering the ICS mission
  5. Produce a comprehensive and funded workforce strategy that addresses the profound challenges in both social care and the NHS
  6. Actively support new models of care and digital ways of working across the health and social care system
  7. Ensure that wider policies affecting the social and economic determinants of health support rather than undermine action on the ground to improve the health of the population, and make real the pledge by the Government ‘to protect the most vulnerable’
  8. Commit to close and meaningful engagement with the public on self-management and personalisation
  9. Be clear that health and social care services are an ‘investable proposition’ that are critical for wider economic and social development
  10. Develop a new devolved model of community based care for children and adults with learning disabilities/autism or mental health needs that is less institutionalised, more transparent to family members and much closer to home